Monday, May 21, 2012

late intro thingy

I never really talk about myself on tumblr, I don't know why so I'm just going to assume that the people reading this are either (a my friends who love me unconditionally so they feel the need to stalk me or (b are from tumblr. So I guess here's a general outline of who I am and all that jazz. Well, my name is Hanna. I live in Los Angeles and have recently found a new love for it here. The thing I love about it most is they overwhelming choices I have in front of me. One day I could be in the mood to go to a flower field and lake, no problem walk over to Balboa Lake. Maybe the next day I can catch a movie at Hollywood Forever Cemetary and watch Casablanca while eating indian food, no problem. Go to the pier, go shopping, just so many things I can do that I really should take advantage of. I really love nature. As a kid, my mother always encouraged me to compare myself to nature and find the underlying resemblences we both shared. I also compared myself to trees and flowers. Have you ever seen a tree with engravings made by cheesy teenage couples or bored individuals? Those imprints are left on the tree forever, and as a person I feel like that's how me and trees resemble one another. Developing relationships with people always seem to be engraved on my bark for the rest of my life, and I can only hide them with my branches and leaves. I'm also very sensitive and delicate as a flower. I enjoy comparing people to flowers. Flowers are like humans in a lot of ways. They're beautiful, and then they eventually die. I try to write my emotions in stories. I have an old journal that I write stories in, all based on my reality I guess. It makes me see my life in another perspective, and whenever I have problems and see them refelcted in a story, it's nice to think "wow how stupid is this" and it instantly makes me feel better. I paint as well. Painting and drawing have always been a form of self expression for me. I always express myself whenever I can on a canvas, and luckily I've been blessed with the oppurtunities I've been given in the art world (as of recent, I have given up on it for now since I don't really have a lot of time and have been advised to "express" myself in writing so other people can grasp it easier or whatever). I hope to get back to painting in the Summer or something. My parent's have bought several homes around the world, but the only place I consider home is in Nice,France. There, you will find all the people that have strongly influenced my life and made me who I am today. I have several friends there, and a lot of family. Usually me and my family travel to castles or farms, and it's a great reading spot. The reasons why I love Lolita and Norwegian Wood (favorite books) so much, is because it is there where I read them. I read Lolita on the front lawn of a castle in the country side, and the overwhelming presences of nature and culture, really made the book 10 times better. I read Norewegian Wood while laying in my bed on hot, humid days, looking out at the ocean. The comfort of cotton under my skin, and the comfort the book gave me just left me overall comfortable. I don't know how to explain it, but it's true. I can ramble on about my life more and more, but I'm sure all of you don't give a shit. Overall, my name is Hanna. I love Indian food, music, and flowers. I grew up at the ocean's waves being my friends, I'd throw sand to the waves pretending I was feeding them. I like to live in books and in art, and drift away to soft music. I hope that one day I can be happy, extremely happy and confident in my life. That is my goal, as cheesy as it sounds.

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