Thursday, August 9, 2012


As I've mentioned 123456789 times, Summer is almost over! I'm highly saddened by that, and super distressed but let's not talk about that. I'm reflecting on my summer with the following photos I edited with a pink tint.

I guess after this summer happened, I realized this love I have for Los Angeles. There's one side of LA that's very Joni Mitchell, deserts and mountains. Then there's this other side of LA that's ridiculously tacky with it's "glamour" and "Hollywood lifestyle." It's all very nice to grow up around, I'm grateful I grew up in a place minutes away from practically everywhere.
Anyways, here are some random pictures.


I've also made a playlist! 

This is a playlist that reminds me of sparkles, whispers, and sighs. It's my day dreaming playlist. ♡

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