Monday, July 30, 2012

Bulimia is so '87

This post is going to be so scattered it will confuse you and your precious soul. 
I just rewatched Heathers for the millionth time, and god has anyone realized how quotable that movie is? The quote that stuck to me since the first time I watched it was "fuck me gently with a chainsaw." Yeah, I say that all the time. People just kind of look at me like "ok" or they admire my admirable wit. Also the clothing in that movie kills me. It's like plaid on steroids. 

Okay Heathers is not really my big point to this blug post. I spent my day making collages and I came across some pretty rad ones. Well they're not collages but a mix of photos and such. I don't know I think It'll be ~*~*~*~stress relieving ~*~*~*~  
Here are some rad random pictures

Me taken by Emma

 Madge in Desperately Seeking Susan, the video for Lust for Life by Girls, unknown, and Brenda Walsh, for the pinkness and flowers and haziness.
 Nicole Levaque and Nicki Minaj shrine by Teen Witch, for the shrine-ness and celebrity worship and candles and flowers and Ouija.
 Tomas Castelazo for the idea of flower-adorned pastel cemetery crosses, Hasisi Park for combined witchy vibes and Weetzie Bat's Hollywood, the video for Violet by Hole for the storyteller fairytale ballerina stills, and old Schiaparelli perfumes for the colors and potion-likeness and sun.
 All unknown
CinnamonkitePetra Collinsreba bean, and Jane Birkin, for the iconography and flowers.

Flower and cat power
Okay has anyone else realized the similarities that Twin Peaks and The Virgin Suicides have in common? The uncanny pictures of them scattered around, that whole 90's feel and little nicknacks laying around everywhere. I don't know something about the feel and the mystery lingering in the atmosphere of every scene.

I don't know just a personal observation for two of my favorite things in the entire world.
Yesterday I celebrated my birthday at the Rookie Prom thing at Space 1520. It was so adorable. Other then an unwelcomed guest who made me hide every two seconds, it was enjoyable. Bleached was a pretty good band. They sound a lot like Best Coast and every song sounded the same, but the energy was really rad. Oh my god Hazel from Rookie was standing in front of us and she was going fucking ape shit. I think I swallowed her hair four or five times. I also finally got to meet Tavi for a brief moment and we took a picture. Her bun was so classy it was so cute. I felt so under dressed there though since I had nothing to wear *sadsies* But we had a last conversation with Petra and she was really sweet and took a picture of us and thanked us for coming and genuinely hoped we had fun. Pictures of the day below, also I got a melting clock for my birthday and a black flag record and the "Feminist Ryan Gossling" book. So in love with my friends right now.

 Conversing with Petra. 
I promise you that ghost is me meeting tavi and it's not Amanda's face creepily inscribed in my mist

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