Saturday, August 4, 2012

bloop, long post.

I'm remodeling my room, or in the process of trying to come up with a theme for my ideal bedroom, and I couldn't help myself but to look at movies as inspiration. Everyone can figure out that The Virgin Suicides is a typical angsty teen's choice, so I'll go beyond that. We have Mia Farrow painting flowers backstage on the set of Rosemary's Baby.
Then Romeo + Juliet. The angels and candles all cluttered all together.
Maude's place in Harold and Maude, for all the great junk, and when it's decorated with sunflowers by Harold.

Drew Barrymore's teenage bedroom. The heart pillow and celebrity photos and stuffed animals, and the idea of this being like, her own space to try to be a teenager while she was also being a movie star. 
Ugh, and then the famous Pretty in Pink room!!! God, why is deciding what theme for your room so difficult? I know I should probably be myself, but at the moment that's not going to cut it okay, I need a new fantastic room that people will be in awe over.
Just joking.
Anyways, I was on the airplane today reading my fashion magazines, and I came across a photoshoot called The Surreal World and oh my god It was a Twin Peaks themed photoshoot!! So fucking rad I was so impressed. It didn't mention ANYTHING about twin peaks in the magazine, only online. Anyways, it was set in the Black and White lodge.

So great. I've also skimmed through the Glamour issue of this month, and read about the Chanel Show 2013 in Versailles this year. It was beautiful. It was all inspired by Marie Antoinette- inspired clothes: full skirts with ruffles and lace, velvet flat platforms (my new favorite) neon makeup, major jewlery, and bobbed pastel wigs. The whole runway show gave me not only inspiration for some collages but it made me realize fashion is art. I'll never think about getting dressed the same way again.

The whole thing reminded me of my hazy imagination. Whenever I open my mind a bit more, it all becomes fuzzy and everything turns into pastel colors and all I want to do with watch movies to open my mind even further to this pastel dimension. That probably didn't make sense to you, but it does to me. Whenever I open my mind I see things in a more feminine side, pink included. Here are some pictures of fashion runways, random collages of tumblr pictures, and stuff like that to end my posts for today. 

 The Ardorous  

Detroit's Heidelberg Project by Rookie Mag.
Alexander McQueen's presentation for Spring 2001 with Michelle Olley. The space was a mirrored cube so that everyone in the audience had to get uncomfortable staring at themselves for over an hour before the lights inside the cube went up and the walls around this box in the middle came down and Michelle Olley was sitting there, a fat woman in a fashion show, moths and butterflies and tubes clinging to her. The models couldn't see out of the cube and walked around disoriented while Olley was just lying there. I think it's my favorite McQueen show

 Salvation mountain. Someone, please, let's go on a road trip to Salvation Mountain. I'll kiss you all over.

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